Toorak Chiropractor Spinal Misalignment

What causes spinal misalignment? 3 Main stressors when it comes to chiropractic care.

Patients across Australia often seek chiropractic care for neck and back pain caused by spinal misalignments. Other less recognizable symptoms can include numbness of tingling in the hands and feet, fatigue, frequent illnesses, and headaches. If you have been feeling unwell or encountered some of these symptoms, there is a possibility you could have a misaligned spine, also known as vertebral subluxation. Not sure how this could have occurred. Today, Toorak Chiropractor will explore the top 3 most common stressors of a misaligned spine.

Get to know your local Toorak Chiropractor, Dr. Josh Cogoi in 20 fun-filled questions.

Get to know your local Toorak Chiropractor, Dr. Josh Cogoi in 20 fun-filled questions.

Dr. Josh Cogoi, also known as Toorak Chiropractor is Toorak’s residential, Number 1 rated local chiropractor on Google. Dr. Josh Cogoi will tailor a natural, personalised, gentle and effective chiropractic care plan for you through diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of any mechanical disorders of your musculoskeletal system.

What are chiropractic benefits?  Top 5 benefits of seeing a chiropractor.

What are chiropractic benefits?  Top 5 benefits of seeing a chiropractor.

Through a chiropractic health care plan and chiropractic adjustments Toorak Chiropractor may be able to help you overcome some or all of your symptoms with a personalised, gentle and natural approach.

Unsure if chiropractic care is right for you? To help you answer that, we will explore some of the top benefits of having a chiropractic care plan in place.